
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Library Helps Separate Swine Flu Fact from Fiction

With cases of swine flu identified as close as neighboring Guadalupe County, community concern is increasing and citizens are searching for accurate, reliable information on the virus, preventative measures, and treatment. The library has established a guide on our website to help separate fact from fiction and link patrons to reliable sources.

The special section on swine flu has been added to the library’s guide for Health & Wellness, http://guides.mysapl.org/health, and provides patrons with links to updated statistics and the basic facts about swine flu. For the latest information, the library recommends the following web sites:

· Metro Health
The website for the City of San Antonio's Health Department. The site has a clickable link with current Swine Flu information. Includes 800 number for Swine Flu information: 1-(888)-777-5320.
· CDC Swine Flu Website
The website for the Centers fro Disease Control and Prevention has a section devoted to information about Swine Flu. The site includes the latest statistics on the number of cases.
· World Health Organization
The website for the World Health Health Organization. It includes the latest International information and lists travel advisories.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Want to be a librarian? We’ll tell you how!

Thursday, April 30, representatives from The University of Texas, the University of North Texas and Texas Women's University will be at Central Library to answer questions about their library and information science programs. Graduate School representatives will review coursework, areas of specialization and admissions requirements.

What: Information on becoming a librarian
Where: Central Library • 600 Soledad, 3rd floor
When: Thursday, April 30, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Information will also be available about the San Antonio Public Library Foundation's Better Future/Mejor Futuro Grant, which provides scholarships for students working toward a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science. In August of 2008, the Library Foundation received a grant of nearly $1 million from the Institute of Museum and Library Sciences (IMLS). The IMLS made the grant of $963,420 in its latest round of awards under the Laura Bush 21st-Century Librarian Program.

Library officials estimate that the grant will fund tuition for 45 Master’s-Degree library students. Anyone who has completed a Bachelor’s Degree is eligible to apply for a scholarship by contacting the San Antonio Public Library Foundation, (210) 225-4728, or the San Antonio Public Library at (210) 207-2635.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fiesta de Colores Celebrates Children, Books and Families

The San Antonio Public Library is throwing a Fiesta de Colores and participating in the international celebration of Dia de los Ninos/Dia de los Libros -- a time to remember the joys of childhood and the pleasure of families reading together. Join us as we celebrate the colorful world of children, books and families!

This is a great opportunity for families to come together, explore their local library, and have fun! We'll start the celebration with a silly (but colorful) puppet show and then move on to some family-friendly crafts. Admission is free and open to the public.

Event Schedule:

Saturday, April 25
San Pedro Library - 2:00 p.m.
1315 San Pedro Ave. 733-1599

Semmes Library - 2:00 p.m.
15060 Judson Rd. 650-9540

Tuesday, April 28
Cortez Library - 3:30 p.m.
2803 Hunter 922-7372

Las Palmas Library - 7:00 p.m.
515 Castorville Road 434-6394

Westfall Library - 3:30 p.m.
611 Rosedale Crt. 344-2373

Wednesday, April 29
Brook Hollow Library - 10:30 a.m.
530 Heimer Rd. 496-6315

Forest Hills Library - 6:00 p.m.
5345 Ingram Rd. 431-2544

Pan American Library - 6:00 p.m.
1122 W. Pyron Ave. 924-8164

Thousand Oaks Library - 6:00 p.m.
4618 Thousand Oaks 657-5205

Memorial Library - 6:30 p.m.
3222 Culebra 432-6783

Thursday, April 30
Johnston Library - 11:00 a.m.
6307 Sun Valley 674-8410

Saturday, May 2
Central Library - 2:00 p.m.
600 Soledad St. 207-2621

Igo Library 13330 - 2:00 p.m.
Kyle Seale Pkwy 561-6113

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cody Branch Library Celebrates 25 Years!

Sunday, April 29, 1984, Cody Branch Library opened its doors to the public. On Saturday, April 25, 2009, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Cody will celebrate its 25th birthday! Readers of all ages are invited to come together, have some birthday cake and celebrate all the library has to offer. The party is free and open to the public.

Cody Branch Library was the 14th branch added to the San Antonio Public Library System and since then has consistently been the library’s busiest branch. In 2008, Cody circulated 477,623 books and materials and had 296,061 visitors.

Opened in 1984, it was built on land donated by the Northside Independent School District. The branch was named in honor of Mr. Edmund Cody who served as the Superintendent of the Northside School District for seventeen years and was instrumental in promoting the community library. With a collection of well over 90,000 volumes, the branch contains 13,617 square feet, including a public meeting room.

Event Schedule:
9 a.m. 25th Anniversary Celebration
10 a.m. Storytime Magic with Donnabelle the Clown
11 a.m. St. Gregory's Line Dancers
11:30 a.m. Perfomance by Brandeis High School Steel Drum Band
12 noon Goldilocks presented by the Clark High School Drama Department
1 p.m. Las Connyn Mariachi Duo- with Benita and Estella
2 p.m. Ukulele Fun with Joyce- Hawaiian Music and Dance for the whole Family
3 p.m. Brazilian La Capoeria

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Library Celebrates Fiesta!

All libraries will be closed Friday, April 24 as we take part in the 118th Anniversary of our annual city-wide Fiesta! Come check us out at the Battle of Flowers parade...we'll be in an antique fire truck in honor of the 2009 Big Read and Fahrenheit 451. Closely followed by the premier public performance of the San Antonio Public Library Book Cart Drill Team. ¡Viva La Biblioteca!

Battle of Flowers Parade
Friday, April 24
Vanguard 11:50 a.m.
Parade 12:45 p.m.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Semmes Stargazers

Join us for a "stellar" event! Semmes Branch Library, in association with the San Antonio Astronomical Association, invites you to bring your imagination and ask us questions about the universe around you! Telescopes will be provided. April 20 • 7:00 p.m.

Semmes Branch Library
15060 Judson Road • 650-9540

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Library Honors Volunteers and Champions

The San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees will honor library volunteers and the winners of the 2009 Library Champion Awards at a reception in their honor, Sunday, April 19, at 10 a.m. The Library Champion award recognizes individuals (not employed by the Library) and community organizations for their substantial involvement with the Library system, or who have contributed time, talent or resources that resulted in the enhancement of library service in San Antonio. The San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees created the Library Champion Awards in 1996 to honor notable contributions to the Library system.
The 2009 Library Champion Award recipients are:

Frank Hernández: Memorial Branch Library volunteer who organized the branch youth chess club and sponsored the branch’s first chess tournament.

Grace Lorton: Thousand Oaks Branch Library volunteer who has served since the branch opened.

Roxane Wise: Guerra Branch Library volunteer who is also a Citigroup employee; her volunteer hours entitle the branch to a $500 donation from Citigroup. Guerra received a donation for Ms. Wise’s work in 2007 and expects to receive a further donation in 2009.

Linda Nairn: Immediate Past President of the Friends of the San Antonio Public Library responsible for the formation of nine new branch Friends groups. She also has more than 700 volunteer hours serving at the Book Cellar Used Book Store.

Dan Parman: donor of land for the Stone Oak Branch Library.

Dr. Catherine Rainwater: President of Friends of Johnston Branch Library and long-time volunteer; initiated library service project for her Girl Scout troop.

Mary Spears: former library practicum student at Pan American Branch Library; now a Pan American Branch Library and Central Library volunteer who has amassed a total of 540 volunteer hours in two years despite working full-time.

Andrés Mendez Torres: 90-year-old Bazan Branch Library volunteer who conducts free guitar classes every Saturday. Mr. Torres has volunteered since 1996.

Also receiving awards will be the three Library volunteers who have amassed the most hours this year, Paula Parra (Central Circulation), Gary V. Martínez (Westfall Branch Library) and Thomas Cook (Central Texana/Genealogy).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Texas’ First Living Library Available for Check-Out

The shelves at Igo Branch Library will be stocked full of people on Saturday, April 18, when Texas’ first official Living Library comes to San Antonio. At noon the library will check out their first Living Book to a Reader and before the day is over, we will learn about San Antonians’ eagerness to talk.

From noon to 4:00 p.m. the shelves of the Igo Branch Library will be full of people. A Civil War re-enactor, teenager, woman firefighter, actress, male ballet dancer, Anime expert, librarian, inter-faith minister, tattoo artist, forensic scientist, cabaret singer and sound recording engineer are just a few of the people who will be available to check out for a conversation at the Living Library. The Living Library idea is simple – a personal conversation can break down prejudices and pre-conceptions, and dialogue fosters understanding and tolerance.

“We want to give our patrons the opportunity to check out a living book and experience all of the privileges that entails,” said interim Igo Branch Manager Haley Holmes. “Our readers will be able to ask the books anything and learn about people and professions they otherwise would not encounter.”

During this unique event a group of volunteers serve as “Living Books” who are willing to share their personal life story with a “Reader”. Readers borrow them for half an hour, hear their narratives, question them, even pry a little, and – so the theory goes – break down some of their own preconceptions and stop "judging the book by its cover." Books and Readers have the opportunity to speak in private and personally in a structured, protected, free space for a limited time without any further commitment. Once a Book is returned, Readers can borrow other Books.

Check-outs are for 30 minutes. A San Antonio Public Library card is not required. Depending on demand, a Reader can place a hold on a Book and renew the Book once if there are no holds
and the Book agrees. The Reader must return the Book in the same mental and physical condition as borrowed. It is forbidden to cause damage to the book, tear out or bend pages, get food or drink spilled over the book or hurt its dignity in any other way. The Reader is responsible for preserving the condition of the Book.

The Living Library idea was the brainchild of Ronni Abergel, a Danish antiviolence campaigner, who has taken the Living Library to 12 countries and watched it flourish in places as diverse as Australia and Turkey.

"We live in a time where we need dialogue," said Abergel. "With dialogue comes understanding and with that comes tolerance and that's the mission of the Living Library: to promote understanding and tolerance through dialogue."

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Owl catches on fire with The Big Read 2009

Owl Radio to present audio version of Fahrenheit 451;
eligible recipients invited to request special radio receivers

San Antonio radio reading service Owl Radio, Texas Public Radio, the San Antonio Public Library, and the San Antonio Public Library Foundation have announced a partnership to allow the print-impaired to participate in The Big Read San Antonio 2009, a city-wide celebration of Fahrenheit 451. From Monday, April 13, through Friday, April 17, Owl Radio will present the audiobook version of Fahrenheit 451 every day at 1:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.

Radio reading service broadcasts can be heard only with a special receiver, available at no charge to eligible recipients. To get ready for the upcoming Fahrenheit 451 readings, Owl Radio invites any potential recipients to apply for the special receivers. Organizations, such as assisted living centers, which serve the visually challenged, are especially urged to participate. Once the application has been approved, the radio will be delivered and installed by a representative of Owl Radio. A donation of $25 or more with each application is requested, but not required, to help pay for the service. Owl Radio representatives emphasized that, though donations are vital to their operation, no qualified applicant will be denied service because of an inability to contribute. For more information about Owl Radio, or to receive an application, go to http://www.owlradio.org/, or call (210) 829-4223.

Owl Radio, a free community service of the Low Vision Resource Center, provides daily radio broadcasts of newspapers, magazines and other information for persons who are unable to read regular print due to a visual, physical or reading impairment. The service, which is co-sponsored by Texas Public Radio and the San Antonio Express-News, has been on the air continuously in San Antonio since March 6, 2002, and in the Hill Country since January 10, 2005. Owl Radio is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those who cannot read, reducing their feeling of isolation by providing a wide range of around-the-clock programming; and to developing a more aware citizenry by providing current information about community events and issues, thus helping increase the community involvement of people who are blind or visually impaired.